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Hi, I'm Ruolin,
A UX Researcher.

Featured Works

B2B Desktop Product

Global Search Redesign

Interview | As-Is & To-Be Journey Map | Cognitive Walkthrough | A/B Testing

Redesigned the global search feature for a network management platform to increase workflow efficiency

B2C VR System

B2C VR System

ZenVR User Progression

Interview | Jobs to be Done | Quant Data Interpretation | Concept Testing | Workshop

Redesigned the user progression system for a VR meditation teaching application to increase user retention

B2C Mobile/AR Application


Contextual Inquiry | Survey | Personas | Cognitive Walkthrough

Designed an AR-based visitor app that enriches the visiting experience of High Museum of Art visitors

B2C Mobile/AR Application

Second Hive

Survey | Interview | Task Analysis

Designed an app that helps Georgia Tech students move out sustainably


I am currently a second year MS-HCI student at Georgia Tech. With a background in history of art and data science, I am a strong storyteller, problem-solver, and mix-method researcher who advocate for more user-centric product decisions.

Learn more about me here or check out my resume.

Fun things I did...

Interactive Exhibition in Museum

Usability Testing | Observation | Project Management

Built an iPad workstation for an exhibition that allows users to create digital collages from the original art on display

r/AmItheAsshole User Behavior Study

Natural Language Processing | Behavioral Data Analysis | Python

Conducted qualitative and quantitative research on the post-edit patterns of subreddit r/AmItheAsshole users

Interactive Data Visualization

Data Visualization | Tableau

Created an interactive data visualization to help user with choosing a stronger Pokemon team

Pride and Prejudice Text Analysis

Natural Language Processing | Quant & Qual Data Interpretation

Explored how Jane Austen delivered her viewpoint on marriage by analyzing characters in Pride and Prejudice using natural language processing

© 2022 by Ruolin Yang

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